Political and Social Series, Map of France, 1794 (D&H Middlesex 1016e)

Political and Social Series, Map of France, 1794 (D&H Middlesex 1016e)

Political and Social Series, Map of France, 1794 (D&H Middlesex 1016e)

Obv: Around the perimeter A MAP OF FRANCE 1794. A foot within a square border, HONOR (trampled) underneath, FRA-NCE divided, THRONE (turned upside down), GLORY (defaced), RELIGION (broken up), FIRE (in every corner), daggers (murder) on every side, and bloodshed all over.  

Rev: An inscription on five lines, MAY GREAT BRITAIN EVER REMAIN THE REVERSE radiated within an oak wreath. Large letters in inscription.G of GREAT and N of BRITAIN touch the wreath.

Edge: Milled \\\ coarse (Atkins p. 98c; D&H Middlesex 1016e)

From the fractured milled edge die. Nice AU/Uncirculated 
